UGC Net Syllabus: The First Step to Crack This Exam

Do you know the UGC full form ? Basically, it stands for the University Grants Commission. Students who want to make their career in the teaching field should take the UGC Net exam. Moreover, it is one of the toughest exams in India. But before taking the exam, you should know the UGC Net syllabus for both papers. So, let’s know about the syllabus in detail!

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This blog includes:- 

1. Exam Pattern of UGC Net Syllabus 2023 

2. Paper I- UGC Net Syllabus 

3. Paper II- UGC Net Syllabus 

4. Documents Required for UGC Net Exam 

5. Top 5 Books for UGC Net Exam Preparation 

6. The First Step to Crack This Exam

Exam Pattern of UGC Net Syllabus 2023

Basically, the UGC net exam is conducted in online mode. Before knowing the UGC Net Syllabus you have to know about the updated exam pattern for the UGC Net 2023. So, let’s take a look at it. 

Paper Pattern Duration Numbers of Questions Marks 
Paper- I Generic, research and teaching aptitude of the candidate 3 Hours(180 Minutes) 50 100
Paper- II It will be selected by the candidate’s chosen subjects and will assess realm college 100 200
Total 150 300 

Paper I- UGC Net Syllabus

Now you already know the updated exam pattern for the UGC Net syllabus. Students who will take this exam should have knowledge about teaching techniques and skills. Moreover, this exam is a MCQ’s based exam. So for your understanding, let’s discuss the syllabus of the UGC Net exam for Paper- I. 

UNIT 1- Teaching Aptitude 1. Teaching System: Traditional and Modern, ICT Based 
2. Factors affecting teaching: Learning institution and environment, learner, support material, teacher 
3. Levels of Teaching, basic requirements, teaching concepts, characteristics and objectives 
UNIT 2- Research Aptitude 1. Methods of Research: Quantitative methods, descriptive, historical, experimental, qualitative 
2. Steps of Research 
3. Research Ethics
UNIT 3- Comprehension A comprehensive passage will be provided from which candidates have to answer the questions. 
UNIT 4- Communication  Effective communication along with the barriers of communication  
UNIT 5- Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude 1. Types of Reasoning 
2. Mathematical Aptitude (Interests and Discounts, profit and loss questions, fractions, etc.) 
3. Relationships and codes, Letter series, number series. 
UNIT 6- Logical Reasoning 1. Means of Knowledge: Indian Logic 
2. Pramanas: Anupalabdhi (Fallacies of Inference), Upamana (Comparison), Arthapatti (Invariable Relation), Anumana (Inference), Shabda (Verbal Testimony), Pratyaksha (Perception) 
3. Kinds of Anumana (Inference) along with their structures, Vyapti (Invariable relation), Hetvabhasas (Invariable relation) 
4. Distinguishing and evaluating deductive and inductive reasoning 
5. Analogies 
6. Use of language, mood and figure, the structure of categorical proposition, a classical square of opposition, formal and informal fallacies, structure of arguments, denotation and connotation of terms. 
7. Venn Diagram: simple and multiple uses of the validity of arguments establishment 
UNIT 7- Data Interpretation 1. Quantitative and Qualitative Data 
2. Data Mapping and Graphical Representation (Line-Chart, Histograms, Bar-Chart and Table-Chart) 
3. Governance and Data 
UNIT 8- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 1. ICT: General and Terminology Abbreviation 
2. Governance and ICT 
3. Digital Initiatives in Higher Education 
4. Basics of Internet and intranet, E-mail, video and audio conferencing 
UNIT 9- People, Development & Environment 1. Environment Protection Act (1986), Montreal Protocol, Rio Summit, Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol, national action plan or climate change, international solar alliance, convention of biodiversity, international efforts/ agreements. 
2. Environment and Development: Sustainable Development Goals and Millennium Development
3. Natural and Energy Resources: Solar and nuclear, Wind, hydro, soil, forests, biomass, Geothermal 
4. Natural and Disasters Hazards: strategies and mitigation 
5. Effects of pollutants (on human health) 
6. Environment and human interaction: Impacts of the Anthropogenic activities on the environment, Anthropogenic activities 
UNIT 10- Higher Education System 1. Policies, Governance and administration 
2. Skill-based, technical and professional education 
3. Environmental education and value education 
4. Conventional, non-conventional and oriental learning programs in India 
5. Evolution and Research of higher learning on Post-independence India 

Paper II- UGC Net Syllabus

Just like paper I, Paper II will also be the MCQ based. It will be selected by the candidate’s chosen subjects and will assess realm college. Also, there will be no negative markings on the answers. The UGC Net syllabus varies on the basis of the subjects. So, here is the list of the UGC Net Syllabus with their respective subjects. You can download the PDF which we have given below along with the subjects. 

Respective Subjects Syllabus for UGC Net 
Sindhi Download PDF 
Yoga Units: Yoga ( Download PDF )
1. Fundamentals of Yoga: Various Schools of Yoga and History 
2. Yoga Texts-I: Bhagavad Gita, Principal Upanishads and Yoga Vasishtha. 
3. Yoga Texts-II: Yoga Upanishads
4. Patanjal Yoga Sutra 
5. Hatha Yoga Sets 
6. Allied Sciences: Diet and Nutrition, General Psychology, Human Biology 
7. Yoga and Health 
8. Therapeutic Yoga 
9. Applications of Yoga 
10. Practical Yoga: Surya Namaskara, Shatkarma, Asana, Mudra, Dhyana, Bandha, Pranayama 
Santali Download PDF 
Bodo Download PDF 
Tourism Administration and Management Download PDF
Human Rights and Duties Units: Human Rights and Duties ( Download PDF )
1. Human Rights and Duties: Nature and Concept 
2. Origin and Evolution of International Standards and Human Rights 
3. Economy, Society, Religion, Polity and Culture (Their Inter Relationship) 
4. State and Individual Liberty 
5. Intergovernmental organizations (IGO’s) and Inter Non-Governmental Organizations (INGO’s), UN and Various agencies
6. Human rights and growth models 
7. Underdevelopment, development and social action 
8. Human Rights and Indian Constitution 
9. Constitutional Governance 
10. International Enforcement of Human Rights   
Prakrit Units: Prakrit ( Download PDF )
1. History of Prakrit Language: Development and Origin 
2. Characteristics and Origin Features of Different Prakrits 
3. Commentry Literature and Prakrit Canons 
4. History of Prakrit Kavya literature
5. Sattaka Literature and ancient dramatic literature in the Prakrit 
6. Prakrit Inscriptional literature
7. Prakrit Scientific Literature 
8. Prakrit Grammar and Philology 
9. Study of the Original Prakrit Texts 
10. Study of the Original Prakrit Kavya Literature 
Politics including International Relations/International Studies including Defence/Strategic Studies, West Asian Studies, South East Asian Studies, African Studies, South Asian Studies, Soviet Studies, American Studies.Units: International and Area Studies ( Download PDF
1. International and Area Studies: Theories, Approaches and Concepts 
2. Evolution of Area Studies and International Relations 
Contemporary World Order 
3. Conflict, Security and Peace: International and National 
Global Governance and International Organisations 
4. India’s Foreign Policy 
5. South Asia and Indo-Pacific Region 
6. West Asia, Central Asia and Africa 
7. Europe and Erstwhile Soviet Union/ Russia 
8. The Americas 
Environmental Sciences Units: Environmental Sciences ( Download PDF )
1. Fundamentals of Environmental Sciences 
2. Environmental Chemistry
3. Environmental Biology
4. Environmental Geosciences 
5. Energy and Environment 
6. Environmental Pollution and Control 
7. Hazardous and Solid Waste Management 
8. Environmental Assessment, Legislation and Management 
9. Statistical Approaches and Modelling in Environmental Sciences 
10. Contemporary Environmental Issues  
Electronics Science Download PDF 
Computer Science and Applications Units: Computer Science and Applications ( Download PDF
1. Discrete Structures and Optimization 
2. Computer System Architecture 
3. Programming Languages and Computer Graphics 
4. DataBase Management Systems 
5. System Software and Operating Systems 
6. Software Engineering 
7. Data Structures and Algorithms 
8. Theory of Computation and Compilers 
9. Data Communication and Computer Networks 
10. Artificial Intelligence (AI) 
Konkani Download PDF
Kashmiri Download PDF 
Pali Download PDF 
Forensic Science Download PDF 
Social Medicine and Community Health Units: Social Medicine and Community Health ( Download PDF
1. Evolution and Basic Concept of Social Medicine/Public Health and Community Health 
2. Evolution of Health Services and Health Policies in India 
3. Bio-Statistics and General Epidemiology 
4. Social Sciences and Health 
5. Epidemiology of National Health Programs and Common Health problems in India
6. Basic Determinants of Health 
7. RCH, Family Welfare and Demography 
8. IEC/ BCC/ health education and information technology in Health 
9. Health Systems Research, Planning and Management and Recent Advances in Public Health
10. International Health 
Geography Units: Geography ( Download PDF
1. Geomorphology 
2. Climatology 
3. Oceanography 
4. Geography of Environment 
5. Settlement and Population-Environment 
6. Geography of Regional Development and Economic Activities 
7. Cultural, Political and Social Geography 
8. Geographic Thought 
9. Geographical Techniques 
10. Geography of India 
Visual Art Download PDF 
Women Studies Units: Women Studies ( Download PDF
1. Introduction to Women’s Studies 
2. Feminist Thinkers and Theories 
3. Gender and Education 
4. Women, Work and Employment 
5. Gender and Entrepreneurship 
6. Women and Health 
7. Women Empowerment and Development 
8. Women Law and Governance 
9. Gender and Media 
10. Feminist Research Methodology
Sanskrit Download PDF 
Comparative Literature Units: Comparative Literature ( Download PDF
1. Conceptual Framework of Comparative Literature 
2. Literary Historiography 
3. History of Comparative Literature 
4. Translation in Comparative Context 
5. Poetics and Literary Theory 
6. Indian Literature I 
7. Indian Literature II 
8. Literary Modes, Themes and Genres 
9. Interdisciplinarity and Intermediality
10. Literary Dialogues 
Folk Literature Units: Folk Literature ( Download PDF
1. Folklore: Definition, Concept and Classification
2. Historiography of Folkloristics
3. Folk Literature
4. Theories of Folklore I: Diachronic Approaches
5. Theories of Folklore II: Synchronic Approaches
Tribal and Regional Language/ Literature Units: Tribal and Regional Language/ Literature ( Download PDF
1. General Ethonology 
2. General Linguistics 
3. Indian Literature 
4. Theory of Literature 
5. Folk Literature of Regional and Tribal Languages 
6. Culture of Regional and Tribal Languages 
7. Arts of Regional and Tribal Languages 
8. Poetry of Regional and Tribal Languages 
9. Prose Literature of Regional and Tribal Languages 
10. Heros of Regional and Tribal Languages 
Criminology Download PDF 
Archaeology Download PDF 
Museology and Conservation Units: Museology and Conservation ( Download PDF
1. Introduction of Museum and Museology 
2. Collection Management 
3. Documentation and Research of Tangible and Intangible Collections
4. Museum Exhibitions 
5. Museum Education, Publications and Interpretation 
6. Conservation of Collections- Part I 
7. Conservation of Collections- Part II 
8. Museum Management 
9. Museum Marketing and Public Relations 
10. Legislation and Conventions Related to Museums and Heritage  
Performing Art- Drama/ Dance/ Theatre Download PDF 
Mass Communication and Journalism Download PDF 
Comparative Studies of Religions Download PDF 
Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies Download PDF 
Library and Information Science Download PDF 
Law Units: Law ( Download PDF
1. Jurisprudence 
2. Constitutional and Administrative Law 
3. Public International Law and IHL 
4. Law of Crimes 
5. Law of Torts and Consumer Protection
6. Commercial Law 
7. Family Law 
8. Environment and Human Rights Law 
9. Information Technology Law and Intellectual Property Rights 
10. Comparative Public Law and Systems of Governance 
Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/ Labour and Social Welfare/Human Resource ManagementDownload PDF 
Indian Culture Units: Indian Culture ( Download PDF
1. Meaning and Concept of Cultures 
2. Sources of the Study of Indian Culture 
3. Proto-Historic and Pre-Historic Cultures 
4. Vedic and Post-Vedic Periods 
5. Mauryan and Post-Mauryan Period 
6. Gupta and Post-Gupta Period 
7. Early Medieval Period 
8. Sultanate Period 
9. Mughal Period 
10. Modern Period 
Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Download PDF 
Physical Education Download PDF 
Adult Education/ Continuing Education/ Non Formal Education/ Andragogy Units: Adult Education ( Download PDF
1. Adult, Continuing Education and Extension: Global and Indian Contexts 
2. Functional and Theoretical Base of Adult Education 
3. Alternate Learning Systems 
4. Curriculum planning and teacher learning materials 
5. Human resource management in extension and lifelong learning 
6. Communication for social development 
7. Social and developmental concerns 
8. Vocational education and skill development 
9. Research and Research Methods 
10. Lifelong Learning: The Futuristic Vision 
Japanese Download PDF 
German Download PDF 
Rajasthani Download PDF 
Persian Download PDF 
Russian Download PDF 
Spanish Download PDF 
Economics / Rural Economics /Co-operation / Demography / Development Planning/ Development Studies / Econometrics/ Applied Economics/Development Eco./Business EconomicsUnits: Economics ( Download PDF
1. Micro Economics 
2. Macro Economics 
3. Statistics and Econometrics 
4. Mathematical Economics 
5. International Economics 
6. Public Economics 
7. Money and Banking 
8. Growth and Development Economics 
9. Environmental Economics and Demography 
10. Indian Economy 
Political Science Units: Political Science ( Download PDF
1. Political Theory 
2. Political Thought 
3. Indian Political Thought 
4. Comparative Political Analysis 
5. International Relations 
6. India’s Foreign Policy 
7. Political Institutions in India 
8. Political Processes in India 
9. Public Administration 
10. Governance and Public Policy in India 
Philosophy Download PDF 
History Download PDF 
Education Units: Education ( Download PDF
1. Educational Studies 
2. History, Economics and Politics in Education 
3. Learner and Learning Process 
4. Teacher Education 
5. Curriculum Studies 
6. Research in Education 
Andragogy, Pedagogy and Assessment 
7. Technology in/ for education 
Administration, Leadership and Educational Management 
8. Inclusive Education 

Top Books for UGC Net Exam Preparation

The top books for UGC Net Exam preparation for Paper- I are as follows:- 

UGC Net Paper- I Book Author 
Upkar’s UGC-NET/JRF/SET Teaching And Research Aptitude (General Paper – I)Dr. Lal Jain and Dr. KC Vashistha 
General Paper-1 UGC NET/JRF/SLET – Teaching & Research AptitudeArihant Experts 
NTA UGC NET/ SET/ JRF Paper I: Teaching and Research Aptitude by Pearson KVS Madaan 
Trueman’s UGC NET/ SET General Paper I M Gagan and Sajit Kumar 

The First Step to Crack This Exam: UGC NET 

Here are some quick tips for passing the UGC NET exam:

1. Completely comprehend the syllabus.

2. Compile your research tools and materials.

3. Establish an organised study regimen.

4. Regularly practise exams from prior years.

5. Use practice exams for self-evaluation.

6. Concentrate on difficult things, but don’t ignore others.

7. Also, Lead a healthy lifestyle to improve concentration.

8. Revision is important for information retention.

9. Maintain your motivation and attitude throughout.

10. Spend time managing your time on exam day.

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    What determines the UGC NET syllabus?

    The University Grants Commission (UGC) determines the subject-specific UGC NET syllabus.

    Is the UGC NET syllabus the same for all subjects?

    No, each topic has a different curriculum. You must carefully select your subject and study the prescribed material.

    What is the passing marks for UGC Net examination?

    The passing marks for the UGC Net exam is 35% for the reserved category and for the general category, it is 40%.

    What are the major subjects covered in UGC Net syllabus?

    The major subjects covered in the UGC Net syllabus are:- 
    1. History 
    2. Commerce 
    3. Public Administration 
    4. Education 
    5. Anthropology 
    6. Defence and Strategic Studies