Why Should you Study in Holy See?

Find all the study programs in Holy See

Why Choose the Holy See for Studies?

There are many reasons why students choose to study in the Holy See. Some of the main reasons are:

Serial Number




Heart of Roman Catholic Church

The Holy See is widely considered as the heart of the Roman Catholic Church, making it the perfect place for students interested in theology, religious studies, or related subjects to pursue their studies. Reputable organizations like the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, which provide a broad selection of theology programmes, are located within the Vatican.


Interdisciplinary Studies

An interdisciplinary approach to studying is possible as a student at the Holy See. The Vatican has interests outside of theology as well, including those in ethics, philosophy, diplomacy, and social sciences. Students can interact with professionals from various academic backgrounds and explore interdisciplinary links between these disciplines and the teachings of the Catholic Church.


Excellent Network Possibilities

Excellent networking possibilities within the Catholic Church and the larger religious world can be had by students who study at the Holy See. Interacting with academics, religious leaders, and students from many cultures may help students build meaningful relationships and form connections that could help them in their future academic or professional endeavors.


Historical and Cultural Importance

The history, art, and culture of Vatican City are rich. A one-of-a-kind chance to get fully immersed in the realm of Renaissance art, architecture, and religious practices is offered by studying in the Holy See. The Sistine Chapel, which has Michelangelo's renowned ceiling frescoes, is an inspirational sight for any student of art, and the Vatican Museums are home to a large collection of masterpieces of many kinds.


Access to Vatican Resources

Students have unmatched access to Vatican libraries and resources thanks to their proximity to the Holy See. For instance, the Vatican Library is home to a sizable collection of antique books, manuscripts, and historical documents. For researchers or academics wishing to explore certain facets of Catholic history, theology, or canon law, this might be a huge advantage.


Spiritual Development

Studying at the Holy See offers a distinctive atmosphere for students looking to advance their own spiritual lives and get a better grasp of Catholicism. In the backdrop of Vatican City, students have the chance to attend papal audiences, take part in liturgical activities, and engage in spiritual practices, offering an immersive experience for their religious journey.

Cost of Studying in Holy See:

Serial Number

Degree Name

Degree Cost


Bachelor's degree

1000 to 4000 euros per year


Master's degree

1000-6000 euros per year


PhD programs

9.14-9138.50 euros per year

Cost of Living in Holy See:

Serial Number


Monthly Cost



231.19 to 277.43 Euros



120 to 170 euros approx



Maximum 930 Euros


Health insurance

27.74 to 129.47 Euros

Universities-Holy See:

The Holy See is well established in the higher-education and several of its universities are highly ranked internationally.

Serial Number

University Name

QS Ranking


Pontificia Università Gregoriana



Pontificia Università Lateranense



Pontificia Università della Santa Croce



Università Pontificia Salesiana



Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino



Pontificia Università Urbaniana



Pontificia Università Antonianum



Pontificia Facoltà di Scienze dell’Educazione Auxilium



Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana


Degrees Available in Holy See:

Serial Number

Degree Name

Degree Description


Bachelor's degrees

Bachelor’s degree in the Holy See lasts for up to 3 years. Holy See offers 3 programs for bachelor’s degrees.


Master's degrees

Master’s degree in the Holy See lasts for up to 5 years. Holy See offers 10 programs for master’s degrees.


Doctoral degrees

Doctoral degree in the Holy See lasts for up to 3 years. Holy See offers only one program for a doctoral degree.

Student Visa-Holy See:

Serial Number

Visa Type

Visa Description


Schengen Visa

Schengen visas are for international students who can stay in the Holy See for up to 90 days.


Long-term Visa

Long-term visas are also known as type D visa which allows international students to stay in Holy See for more than 90 days.

Intakes in Holy See:

  1. Fall Intake:  Applications for fall intake are in September/ October. 
  2. Spring Intake: Applications for spring intake are in February/March.

Scholarships in Holy See:

Serial Number

Scholarship Name

Scholarship Description


The Scholarships from the Knights of Columbus

Scholarships are available from the Catholic fraternal organization the Knights of Columbus for anyone studying undergraduate or doctoral degrees in theology or related subjects. Both American and foreign students may apply for these scholarships, and the application period usually starts in the first few months of the academic year.


The Lumen Christi Scholarship

The American-based Lumen Christi Institute awards fellowships and scholarships to graduate students pursuing degrees in theology, philosophy, or other relevant fields. These fellowships encourage academic growth, writing, and research in the Catholic intellectual tradition. International students may be qualified to apply, however, it is important to understand the individual eligibility requirements and application requirements.


The Ratzinger Foundation Scholarship

The Ratzinger Foundation Scholarship is made available by the Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI Foundation to deserving PhD candidates in philosophy and theology. The foundation seeks to advance these fields' academic and scientific excellence. The extremely competitive scholarships offer selected students financial assistance while they pursue their studies at renowned colleges across the world.


How to finance your study abroad experience?

Things that will help a student finance their study abroad experience are- scholarships, part-time jobs, student loans, savings, etc.

How to make the most of your study abroad experience?

One can make the most of their study abroad experience by traveling, knowing the local culture, networking, meeting new and local people, etc.

How to find housing while studying abroad?

It’s a good idea to ask around the local students, or the student can also research online for accommodation while studying abroad. 

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