SMS Full Form: Difference Between SMS and MMS


SMS full form is Short Message Service that is used to transfer text messages between mobile and platforms. Due to SMS, many fraud cases are also occurring which are affecting people’s life such as people getting scammed by sharing the OTPs the scammers take their money from their accounts. Many cases had occurred in India and these cases are solved by CBI offers. That the CBI full form is Central Bureau of Investigation. They investigate and look for the criminals or you can scammers. In this blog, we have discussed the full form, history, benefits and limitations and also the difference between SMS and MMS. 

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SMS Full Form 

SMS full form is completely described as Short Message Service. It is basically a standardised interaction protocol used to transfer text messages between mobile platforms. Also, it’s one of the most popular information apps. SMS messages can be sent via a smartphone, another cell phone, or a computer with internet access, for example.

Hence, an SMS message can contain up to 160 alpha-numeric characters. Currently, SMS is supported via CDMA, GSM, and also TDMA mobile networks. Moreover, all mobile communication companies, including Airtel, Idea, and Vodafone, offer SMS services.

History of SMS 

  • In the early, 1980’s firstly text messaging was introduced into mobile phones. 
  • Later in December 1982 the provision services that are available to the mobile platforms and public cellular networks were approved with the GSM plan of action. 
  • With the introduction of this proposal, text messaging was permitted by the management systems or mobile stations. 
  • Then in the year 1984, SMS concepts were developed by Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert that was in the Franco-German partnership. 
  • Moreover, the SMS design primary concept was developed by the telecommunications networks for conveying information through the signalling paths. 
  • Therefore, 160 alphanumeric characters’ text messaging was limited by the Friedhelm Hillebrand.

Benefits of SMS 

1. Communication in a Hurry

SMS enables you to send quick messages to others instantaneously and also makes it ideal for urgent or shorter interactions.

2. Widely Accessible 

Almost all mobile phones can receive SMS messages and also allow you to communicate with those who might not have smartphones or access to the internet.

3. No Internet Connection Required

Unlike texting applications, SMS does not require an internet connection to function, making it reliable in regions with spotty or no connectivity.

4. Simple and Direct

SMS is simple to use and lacks the added features of messaging apps and also making it perfect for brief communications.

5. Notifications

SMS messages typically cause phone alerts, ensuring that your message is seen as soon as possible.

6. Delivery Confirmation

You may often check to see if your SMS has been read and sent, which might help you estimate when the receiver has seen your message.

Limitations of SMS 

1. Short Messages

Since SMS is character-limited, sending many messages to express lengthier ideas may be necessary.

2. No Rich Media

Rich media is not supported by SMS, unlike chat applications, therefore you cannot transmit images, movies, or other sorts of media using SMS.

3. No group chats

SMS group discussions can be difficult to handle and also may result in muddled answers.

Difference Between SMS and MMS 

Serial Number Basis SMS MMS 
1. Full-Form SMS full form stands for Short Messaging Service.MMS full form stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. 
2. Define SMS is a method used to send text messages from mobile to platforms. MMS is also like SMS but it sends text messages along with multimedia. 
3. Support of MultimediaSMS does not support multimedia. Whereas, MMS does support multimedia. 
4. Cost In comparison to MMS, SMS is much cheaper. Hence, MMS is more costly than SMS. 
5. Characters LenghtSMS characters length is 160 characters. Moreover, for MMS characters length is 1600 characters. 
6. Links Multimedia links will get shared through SMS. As for MMS, you can share the links along with the multimedia. 
7. InventionIn the year 1992, the first SMS was sent. Around the year 2002 first mobile was supported for sharing MMS. 

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Fill the Form for More Details:-


    What is the full form of SMS in a computer?

    The SMS full form in computer stands for Systems Management Server.

    Does SMS require an internet connection?

    No, sending SMS does not require an internet connection whereas for MMS it requires a data connection.

    What is the limit of characters for SMS?

    As 160 characters are the limit for sending an SMS. Whereas, for the Unicode characters it is 70 characters.

    What are the SMS different types?

     The different types of SMS are:- 
    1. P2P 
    2. A2P 
    3. P2N 
    4. And also I2P

    What is the name of the inventor of SMS?

    SMS was invented by Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert in the year 1984.

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