
XML full form: Know These Facts About XML

XML full form: Know These Facts About XML

Want to know the XML full form? XML full form is Extensible Markup Language which encodes data for getting understood easily by machines and humans. XML is far better than HTML. Read this blog to know about key terms, features and facts about XML. As an Indian, if you want to study MBBS there is the best country to study MBBS for India students such as Russia, and China are some of the best countries.  

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What is the full form of XML?

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is a markup language which is used to encode data which could be understood by both machines and humans. The data which is stored in XML format is very easy to modify and easily understandable. To store data and transport data is a specific format of XML. Simplicity, generality and usability are the three things you should keep in mind while using XML. In 1998, XML was invented and then in 2006 and 2008 new editions of XML were launched. 

Key terms of XML

  • Character: Every Unicode character covers a string of characters in XML. 
  • Content and Markup: If the string establishes markup then it starts with <, and ends with > and when it establishes content then it starts with & and ends with ;
  • Tag: The tag of markup starts with <tag>, ends with </tag>, and <line-break> is the empty element tag. 
  • Elements: <tag> elements </tag> elements are placed between opening and closing tags. 
  • Attribute: <tag attribute = “value”> </tag> attributes are placed in the opening tag. 

What are the features of XML?

1. Separates data from HTML:

When you add data in HTML that will get changed in future then it will take a lot of time to edit that data. Whereas, in XML data gets stored in separate files of XML. With the help of this, you can keep track of HTML/CSS for layouts and also displays. 

2. Simplifies data sharing:

XML simplifies data sharing because it stores data in a plain text format that could be easily understood by machines and humans. XML stores data from hardware and software in an independent manner. 

3. Simplifies data transport: 

XML simplifies data transport because it helps in exchanging data between mismatched systems all over the internet. 

4. Simplifies platform change:

XML simplifies platform change because the data of XML is stored in a text format so it is easy to change hardware and software platforms. Also, XML can be easily expanded through platforms. 

5. Increases data availability:

XML increases data availability because the data of XML will be available to all the reading machines and also XML will be more available to disabled people and blind people. Reading machines are like voice machines, handheld machines, news feeds, etc. 

6. Used to create different new languages:

XML will be used to create new languages. Some examples are:



3. WAP and WML

4. RSS

What are the facts about XML?

1. Markup language not programming language:

XML is not a programming language however, it is a markup language which helps in decoding the data into easily readable text. 

2. Creates your own tags:

With the help of XML, you can create your own tags. You can also name them which you want to but there is a restriction also that you should start the name tag with an alphabet. 

3. Data transfer conveniently:

These days many web applications provide API to developers for interacting with other applications. Hence, XML provides easily readable texts or you can say plain text data transferring is very convenient. 

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Name the two types of XML.

XML schemas and DTDs are the two types of XML.

Write XML syntax.

The basic syntax of XML is:-

HTML vs XML: which one is better?

XML is much better than HTML because it has much more easy than HTML and is also easy to understand for users because it contains plain text.

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