Studying abroad might sound like all fun but often has a different side to it. Curious? Here are the top 5 study abroad regrets of students!

Do you know that often many students return to their home countries with lots of regrets? And some of these are so common that almost every student has them. Studying abroad comes with not only tons of challenges but also benefits. However, in this blog, we are going to expose the top 5 study abroad regrets of students. So, let’s get started!

Sounds good? Make sure to check: What Happens To Students Who Study Abroad?

Being too serious and isolated

Post-study abroad regrets include this one to a great extent. Wondering why? Because being too serious and isolated drives out all the fun and leaves students with a dry experience. However, usually going abroad and having fun is for travelers but still, it doesn’t mean that you should make your life completely soulless.

Not building any connections

Most students often regret not making any new friends in a new country. On the other hand, they suppress their capabilities to network and build connections which later leaves them with a dull experience of studying abroad. Meaningful connections are not only a basic universal human need but also a great requirement of mental health.

Zero exploration of the country

Imagine, going and living in a wonderful country and staying only on campus! Sounds super boring, right? Well, most students do that. On the other hand, this is not only because of the fear of increasing expenses but also because of the fear of falling behind in studies. However, this is not the entire case! Because one can always use the cheapest medium to travel from time to time and still be excellent at getting good grades.

Too lazy to cook! 

Mmm… studying abroad is not just a one-day thing. Students live there for quite a while and we bet that now you can imagine why this regret is on the list! On the other hand, students often regret not knowing how to cook but due to the availability of the internet and youtube tutorials 24/7 we would love to count it as an excuse. However, most students avoid cooking due to too much laziness and laziness in learning to cook. In the end, it results in a great amount of hike in expenses and bad health. 

Not learning the language 

The biggest regret of all time is not learning the language! Whether it’s immigration, travel, or studying abroad. Because when it all boils down to another country one should definitely learn the language of that particular country, especially if one would be living there for quite a while. On the other hand, this enhances your ability to communicate better and live better.

Summing up, now you know everything about the top 5 study abroad regrets of students and we hope that these won’t be yours! However, for any STUDY ABROAD-related queries, feel free to connect with us! Our team of experts which has extensive expertise in studying abroad would love to assist you.

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