TOP 5 countries to study abroad for FREE!

Studying abroad can be quite expensive. Well, here is a list of the TOP 5 countries to study abroad for FREE! Surprised? Read on!
Top 5 Countries to study abroad for free

When it comes to studying abroad, there comes an image of extensive expenditure in mind. Well, allow us to put that aside! However, not all countries allow studying abroad for free but we have found you a list of these TOP 5 countries to study abroad for FREE! Moreover, these countries will not only help you in saving extra money but also provide you with a beautiful study experience. Curious? Let’s see!  

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Here are TOP 5 countries to study abroad for FREE!

1. Germany

When it comes to study abroad then Germany comes at TOP! Why? Germany is famous for their elite class education system and free studies to all students regardless of their nationality. In addition, the warm welcoming nature of German education system brings the students form all over the world like flowers attracts bees. However, some colleges or universities may charge some fee from the international students which is too low cost to make a excuse to not go there. Although public schools and universities provide complete free education to all international students including the native ones. BONUS – Germany provides free tuitions!  

2. Denmark

Now, studying abroad for free brings an another name in our list which is Denmark! However, Denmark provide complete free education to students of EU or EEU. But don’t you worry!  Because Denmark offers studies to international students at very low cost. Although international students will require to pay their tution fees for their bachelor’s or master’s degrees. On the contrary, if you mange to get admission in Danish university by an exchange program then you can easily skip the tuition fee process. Cherry on the top, if you have a scholarship from Danish government or any European oragniaztaion, then you are very welcome to pursue your studies abroad. BONUS – Ph.D. programs are free for all students!

3. Finland

Talking about free education and miss this amazing country? Impossible! However, from 2017. Finland has start charging very low amount form Non-EU students otherwise Finland education system was known for the free education of all students regardless of their nationality. So, are you thinking about why we named it here? Let us explain right away! Finland has amazing economical structure and it loves providing free education to all students. And if you want to pursue free education from Finland then you only have to meet one criteria. Wanna know? It is that you must know Finnish or Swedish which are their native languages. Now what are you waiting for? Go and practice it right away to pursue your dreams of studying abroad that too for free! 

4. Norway

Mmm… we smell free eduaction from miles! Do you know, why? Because Norway is famous for their belief in equal education for everyone. However,the core reason for this lies in the fact that majority of Norwiegn universities and educational institutes are publicly funded. Hence, this makes the Norway a perfect fit to study for both EU and Non-EU students. Moreover, some universities may ask to for little amount from students. Although the asked amount is refundable which is to make sure of living expenses for students. However, the only criteria, require you to know the native language and provide a proof of it because majority of courses are onyl available in Norwiegn language. Whereas, Ph.d. programs are available in english language. Bonus – Free tuitions for everyone! 

5. Sweden

Sweden manages to offer free education to EU students. However, what if you’re Non EU student? Well, you can still pursue free education from Sweden! Hence, if you get a Swedish scholarship or have an education loan, you can get financial aid. On the other hand, studying in Sweden as an International student will require you to submit tuition fees for bachelor’s and master’s program. Moreover, we have the biggest surprise now! Swedish education system offers Ph.D. programs completely free for all students and you’ll be getting paid for that monthly!

Summing up, we bet you are all hyped up right now! So what are you waiting for? Don’t forget to take advantage of these amazing opportunities! However, if you still have any queries, feel free to contact us. Our team of experts which has extensive expertise in studying abroad would love to assist you.   

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