CPR Full Form: How to Perform CPR in 2 minutes?

CPR Full Form: Immediate Options to Perform CPR

Want to know the CPR full form? CPR’s full form is Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation which is performed to save lives from cardiac arrests and heart attacks. If you want to study medical courses after 12th in Canada you should take the exams which include physics, biology, chemistry, and mathematics. To know about the immediate options to perform CPR and its importance read this blog!

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What is the CPR full form? 

CPR stands for Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. It is performed to save lives from getting cardiac arrests or heart attacks when there are emergencies. The meaning of Resuscitation is to revive. The results of cardiac arrests are electrical shock, asphyxia, drawing, heart diseases, etc. 

Preparation of CPR

1. Call for an ambulance:

Before performing CPR you should call or ask someone to call for an ambulance whose numbers are varied according to the area. And then ask someone to go and look for the AED( Automated External Defibrillator) machine for performing CPR. 

2. Carefully place the person:

After calling the ambulance, place the person on their back and you should then kneel beside their chest.  After that, by lifting their chin tilt their head back. 

Moreover, after that open their mouth and check whether the food is not stuck inside their mouth. If any food is stuck in their food pipe try to push them by their back so, that the food or vomit comes out of their mouth.

3. Check the breathing of that person:

After following the above steps listen to whether the person is breathing properly or not. Hence, if the person is not breathing for any more than 10 seconds then try performing the CPR.

How to Perform CPR?

1. Perform at least 30 chest compressions:

Put one hand above the other and then clasp both hands together. With the help of the hand heel and straight elbows push the hands in between the chest hard. 

The push should be at least 2 inches deep. The chest should be compressed at least 100 times in a minute.

2. Two rescue breaths should be performed:

You should check that the food is not stuck inside the mouth of the food pipe. Then you should tilt their chin and then pinch their nose and after that, you should cover their mouth with yours fully. 

After this, you should give the first breath if the chest does not rise after giving the first breath then try giving the second breath even after that the person is still not breathing then that person is choking.

3. Repeat the steps:

After following the above steps try repeating them until the ambulance or AED does not come. 

What is the importance of CPR?

  • It is essential to keep breathing and blood flowing until qualified medical assistance arrives in an emergency. Brain injury or permanent death will occur soon if blood flow is cut off. Therefore, CPR can be used to sustain blood flow.
  • CPR, which comprises external chest compressions and respiratory rescue, can be performed by any skilled individual.
  • CPR can save a person’s life if it is administered during the first six minutes after the heart has stopped.
  • Until the patient is declared dead or their heart rate returns to normal, CPR is administered.

Why it is important to learn CPR?

Learning CPR can prevent the death of a cardiac arrest victim who requires quick assistance. It’s an emergency process, and time is of the essence in an emergency. There is a substantial risk of lasting brain damage or brain death, so it’s critical to maintain oxygen and blood supply to the brain and other key organs until help arrives. CPR recipients have a high likelihood of survival and recovery.

CPR is simple to learn, and you don’t need to be a medical professional to conduct it.

Know more: Govt Jobs After 12th: Transforming Life Is Just One Exam Away!


What is the meaning of CAB in CPR?

Meaning of CAB to prevent life of a people:
1. C which stands for Compressions
2. A stands for Airways
3. B stands for Breathing

At what speed CPR should be performed?

CPR should be performed at the speed of 100 to 120 compressions in a minute.

What is the ratio of CPR?

CPR should be performed at 30 compressions in 2 breathes.

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