Class 11 Physics Syllabus: How to Prepare for Physics Exams?

After taking the 10th board exams students’ main focus is on choosing the stream for their best interest. Whether it is Arts, Commerce or Science. Mostly students run for the Science stream because of its growing sectors. Moreover, after choosing the stream they are given two more choices that is between the PCB and PCM. The common subjects in both the choices are physics and chemistry. Physics is known as the toughest subject but with proper guidance, you can beat in your exam. But before that, you should know the Class 11 Physics syllabus for your studies which we have mentioned below. Therefore, the students who have completed their 11th and 12th from the science stream have the best courses after 12th science that can make their career to the highest peak. 

Read this: UGC Net Syllabus: The First Step to Crack This Exam

Class 11 Physics Syllabus: CBSE 2023-2024 

The Class 11 Physics Syllabus for CBSE consists of 10 units along with the subtopics within it. The class 11 physics is to learn deeply with proper. Rather than studying directly with the formulas firstly you should study the basic concepts. Here is the tabular form of the Class 11 Physics syllabus with unit names and their chapters. 

IPhysical World and Measurement * Physical World 
* Units and Measurements
II Kinematics * Motion in a Straight Line 
* Motion in a Plane 
III Laws of Motion * Laws of Motion 
IV Work, Energy and Power * Work, Energy and Power 
VMotion of System of Particles and Rigid Body * System of Particles and Rotational Motion 
VIGravitation * Gravitation 
VII Properties of Bulk Matter * Mechanical Properties of Fluids 
* Mechanical Properties of Solids 
* Thermal Properties of Matter
VIII Thermodynamics * Thermodynamics 
IX Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases * Kinetic Theory 
Oscillations and Waves * Oscillations 
* Waves 

Description of the Class 11 Physics Syllabus 

Now you already know the syllabus we should discuss about the in-depth topics that fall under the chapters. The description of the Class 11 Physics Syllabus is as follows:- 

UNIT I: Physical World and Measurements 

Chapter 1: Physical World 

In this chapter, students will learn about:- 

  1. Physics, Society and Technology 
  2. Physics Scope and Excitement 
  3. Nature of Physical Laws 

Chapter 2: Units and Measurements 

Students will become familiar with measurement principles in the second chapter of the first unit of the class 11 physics curriculum through the study of topics like units of measurement, systems of units, SI units, fundamental units, derived units, measurements of length, mass, and time, errors in measurement, accuracy and precision of measuring instruments, and significant figures. The syllabus also covers additional subjects including dimensional analysis and its applications, dimensions of physical quantities, and related topics.

UNIT II: Kinematics 

Chapter 3: Motion in a Straight Line 

  1. Position-Time Graphs 
  2. Speed and Velocity 
  3. Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion 
  4. Frame of Reference 
  5. Motion in a Straight Line 
  6. Relations between uniformly accelerated motions (graphical treatment) 
  7. Instantaneous Velocity and Average Speed 
  8. Elementary Concepts: Integration and Differentiation of Describing Motion
  9. Velocity Time  
  10. Position-Time Graph 

Chapter 4: Motion in a Plane 

  1. Relative Velocity 
  2. Unit Vector 
  3. Vector and Scaler Quantities 
  4. Uniform Circular Motion 
  5. Displacement and Position Vectors 
  6. Subtraction and Addition of Vectors 
  7. General Vectors and their Notations 
  8. Vector and Scaler product of vectors 
  9. Resolution of vectors on a plane (Rectangular Components) 
UNIT III: Laws of Motion 

Chapter 5: Laws of Motion

  1. Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion 
  2. Static and Kinetic Friction 
  3. Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum
  4. Newton’s Three Laws of Motion 
UNIT IV: Work, Energy and Power 

Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power

  1. Non-Conservative Forces 
  2. Work by Variable Force and by a constant 
  3. Work energy theorem, Kinetic Energy and Power 
  4. Potential Energy of Spring, Conservation of Mechanical Energy, Notion of Potential Energy, Conservative forces 
UNIT V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body 

Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion 

This chapter consists of the following topics:- 

  1. Centre of Mass (Two-Particle System) 
  2. Centre of Mass (Rigid Body) 
  3. Centre of Mass (Uniform Rod) 
  4. Centre of Mass Motion 
  5. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies 
  6. Torque 
  7. Angular Momentum 
  8. Moment of Inertia 
  9. Moment of a Force 
UNIT VI: Gravitation 

Chapter 8: Gravitation

  1. Orbital Velocity of Satellites 
  2. Geo-Stationary Satellites 
  3. Escape Velocity 
  4. Gravitational Potential Energy 
  5. Acceleration due to gravity 
  6. Universal Law of Gravitation and Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion 
UNIT VII: Properties of Bulk Matter 

Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids 

  1. Elastic Energy 
  2. Bulk Modulus 
  3. Hooke’s Law 
  4. Elastic Behavior  
  5. Poisson’s Ratio 
  6. Shear Modulus of Rigidity 
  7. Stress-Strain Relationship 
  8. Young’s Modulus 

Chapter 10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids 

  1. Bubbles and Capillary Rise 
  2. Angle of Contact 
  3. Terminal Velocity 
  4. Effect of Gravity (on Fluid Pressure)
  5. Viscosity 
  6. Pascal’s Law and its Applications (hydraulic brakes and lift) 
  7. Application of Surface Tension (Ideas to drops) 
  8. Turbulent and Streamline Flow 
  9. Stokes’ Law 
  10. Critical Velocity 
  11. Excess of Pressure (Curved Surface Across) 
  12. Surface tension and Surface Energy 
  13. Bernoulli’s Theorem and also its Applications 

Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter 

  1. Greenhouse Effect 
  2. Stefan’s Law 
  3. Thermal Conductivity 
  4. Heat Transfer- Radiation, convection and conduction 
  5. Change of State 
  6. Latent Heat Capacity
  7. Thermal Expansion, heat and temperature 
  8. Thermal Expansion of liquids, solids and gases 
  9. Specific Heat capacity 
  10. Qualitative Ideas- Blackbody Radiation 
  11. Anomalous Expansion of Water 
  12. Wein’s Displacement Law 
  13. Calorimetry- Cv, Cp 
UNIT VIII: Thermodynamics 

Chapter 12: Thermodynamics 

The topics covered in this chapter are:- 

  1. Thermal Equilibrium 
  2. Definition of Work, Heat, temperature and internal energy
  3. First Law of Thermodynamics 
  4. The second Law of Thermodynamics includes cyclic processes, adiabatic, gaseous states of matter, irreversible, reversible and change of conditions of the isothermal (gaseous state). 
UNIT IX: Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases 

Chapter 13: Kinetic Theory 

This chapter covers the below topics completely:- 

  1. State of the perfect gas equation, work done by compressed gases 
  2. Kinetic Theory of Gases (Concept of pressure and assumptions) 
  3. Degrees of freedom 
  4. RMS speed of Gas Molecules 
  5. Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature 
  6. Avogardo’s Number
  7. Specific Heat Capacities of gases 
  8. Concept of Mean Free Path 
UNIT X: Oscillations and Waves 

Chapter 14: Oscillations 

  1. Periodic Motion: Periodic applications and their functions, frequency, time period and displacement as the function of the time. 
  2. Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple Pendulum Derivation of expression (time period), phase, equations of motion, Kinetic and potential energies. 

Chapter 15: Waves 

  • Wave Motion: Beats, Speed of Travelling wave, Principle of Superposition of waves, Transverse and longitudinal waves, standing waves in organ pipes and in strings, fundamental mode and harmonics.

Best Books for Class 11 Physics 

For understanding the in-depth syllabus along with the sample questions and answers it is better to study from the best books for Class 11 Physics as follows below. 

Name of the Books Authors 
University Physics with Modern Physics Douglas C. Giancoli 
Physics: Principles with Applications Douglas C. Giancoli 
Problems in Physics S.S. Krotov 
Physics for Scientists and Engineers Serway and Jewett 
Understanding Physics D.C. Pandey 
Problems in General Physics I.E. Irodov 

Magic Ways to Prepare for the Class 11 Physics Exam

By following these magic ways to prepare for the Class 11 Physics exam you can score higher. The following ways are:- 

  • Firstly, you should make a proper timetable after knowing the exam pattern of the physics subject. 
  • After that, you should first cover the important topics that can help you in scoring higher. 
  • Keep practising the past 5 to 10 previous year question papers. 
  • Also, study from the course books. 
  • Be strict with your preparation. Moreover, Do not lack in studies. 
  • Take care of your health. 

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    What is the deleted portion of the class 11 physics syllabus for 2023-2024?

    The deleted portions are:- 
    1. Specific Heat 
    2. Nature of Physical Laws 
    3. Gaseous Heat 
    4. Newton’s third law of motion 
    5. Position-Time Graph 
    6. Heat Engine 
    7. Elasticity

    What are the high-weightage units in the class 11 physics syllabus?

    The high marks weightage units in the class 11 physics syllabus are:- 
    1. Kinematics 
    2. Laws of Motion 
    3. Physical World and Measurement

    What are the toughest chapters in the class 11 physics syllabus?

    The toughest chapter in Class 11 physics is Conservation of Momentum, Thermodynamics, Rotational Mechanics, Waves, Centre of Mass, Simple Harmonic Motion, Work, power and also energy.