UNESCO Full Form: What are the Objectives of UNESCO?

UNESCO Full Form: What are the Objectives of UNESCO?

Want to know UNESCO full form, history, themes, objectives and key achievements? Full form of UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation and it was launched on 16 November 1945. To know if you can get admission to an MBA in Canada then you have to check the MBA in Canada eligibility

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What is the full form of UNESCO?

The full form of UNESCO is United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation. It was launched on 16 November 1945 by the decision of the General Assembly. In addition, UNESCO is the agency of the United Nations which promotes peaceful education, education which is for sustainable development and multicultural understanding. UNESCO has headquarters in France comprising 193 members and 11 associate members. A newly elected Director-General of UNESCO is Ms Audrey Azoulay. 

What is the History of UNESCO?

In the Fear of World War II European countries governments joined themselves with other nations in early 1942 who fought against the Nazis and Axis powers which were met in the UK for a Conference of Allied Ministers of Education(CAME).

On the recommendation of CAME, a United Nations Conference was called in London in November 1945 to discuss the formation of the cultural and educational institution. Finally, it was successful in securing the backing of 44 nations, which would actually advance world peace. They believed that the only way to stop the start of another world war was via intellectual and moral cooperation.

Themes of UNESCO:

The themes of UNESCO are:

1. Education: 

UNESCO provides education to everyone and has launched a new program named “Education for All”. UNESCO has an educational sector which promotes education and then will be beneficial to the development of the economy and society.

UNGEI( United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative) provides equal opportunities for education to all genders.

2. Natural Sciences: 

UNESCO’s natural sciences sector focuses on global issues that are climatic changes and poverty. Low and middle-income countries are the main focus of the natural sciences sector. International programs and research in engineering, science and technology are organised by natural sciences. 

3. Social and Human Sciences: 

The social and Human Sciences sector encourages logical thinking on justice and freedom. This sector is also used to boost the social conditions of countries that are members of UNESCO.

4. Culture: 

UNESCO’s heritage is divided into 6 categories which are cultural and natural; tangible and intangible; movable and immovable. Moreover, this sector manages and protects world heritage. 

5. Communication and Information: 

The 2 main objectives of communication and information are first to encourage diverse expressions in the media and then to promote universal access to information. 

Objectives of UNESCO:

1. Promote Peace and Security: 

By encouraging communication, mutual respect, and international cooperation, UNESCO hopes to contribute to the upkeep of peace and security. Therefore, it holds that disputes may be avoided and peace can be attained via education, science, culture, and communication.

2. Provide High-Quality Education: 

UNESCO is committed to ensuring that all people must have access to inclusive, equitable, and high-quality education. Therefore, it works to expand educational opportunities, raise the calibre of educational systems, and improve educational access. Education is seen by UNESCO as a vital human right and as a driving force behind sustainable development.

3. Promote Scientific Cooperation and Research: 

UNESCO firstly, works to improve scientific research and knowledge. Secondly, It promotes the use of science to address global challenges like climate change, poverty, and health problems. It also funds research and scientific collaboration.

4. Conserve and protect cultural heritage sites and intangible cultural assets: 

UNESCO aims to conserve and safeguard cultural heritage places. So, it acknowledges the value of preserving historical sites, historic towns, cultural manifestations, and cultural practices in order to preserve diversity, encourage creativity, and advance intercultural communication.

5. Encourage Media Development and Freedom of Expression: 

UNESCO supports information access, media development, and media freedom. It also upholds press independence, promotes media diversity, and encourages information literacy and moral media usage.

6. Promote Cultural Diversity: 

UNESCO acknowledges the importance of cultural diversity as a force for social cohesion and sustainable development. In order to encourage respect for one another, intercultural communication, and a sense of belonging for everyone, it advocates for the protection and promotion of various cultural expressions, languages, and cultural industries.

7. Promote Sustainable Development: 

By addressing the linkages between environmental, social, and cultural components, UNESCO works to advance sustainable development. It promotes environmentally friendly behaviours, the preservation of the environment, and also, the incorporation of cultural heritage and know-how into development strategies.

8. Promote Intercultural Dialogue: 

UNESCO promotes communication and understanding between many societies, cultures, and religions. Also, it encourages intercultural communication, tolerance, and respect for variety as necessary ingredients for creating an inclusive and peaceful society.

Key Achievements of UNESCO

1. UNESCO has reserved 1073 World Heritage Sites in 167 countries.

2. UNESCO guides global efforts to reach high-quality education for everyone.

3. UNESCO gives warnings before the Tsunami. 

4. UNESCO’s Reconstruction in Timbuktu.

5. UNESCO has launched SESAME’s world-class research laboratory. 

6. UNESCO censure the killing of Journalists. 

7. UNESCO published General and Regional Histories. 

8. UNESCO builds Youth networks across 9 Mediterranean countries.

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Which city in India joined UNESCO first?

Ahmedabad is the first city in India which has joined UNESCO.

In which year India has joined UNESCO?

India joined UNESCO in 1946.

What is the number of countries of UNESCO?

UNESCO has 193 members and 12 associate members.

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