Studying abroad is not fun and games. Hence, here we are exposing some of the Actual Challenges Of Studying Abroad With Solid Solutions!

Studying abroad often comes with a lot of challenges, whether financial or emotional. On the other hand, students are quite curious about what they will experience while studying abroad and how they can overcome the upcoming challenges. Therefore, here we are exposing some of the Actual Challenges Of Studying Abroad With Solid Solutions. READ ON!

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1. Foreign Language Becomes A Barrier To Communication

The biggest challenge that comes with studying abroad is when a foreign language becomes a barrier in communication. On the other hand, this also limits international students from making friends in a foreign country. 

Solution: Learning a foreign language beforehand will help while studying abroad. On the other hand, students can choose a country that uses a language which is quite easy for students to understand and learn.

2. Managing Living Expenses Becomes A Tough Task 

Studying abroad comes with the challenge of managing living expenses and budgeting the whole finance. On the other hand, studying abroad is quite expensive, and along with that, students struggle with finding the right accommodation.

Solution: Before studying abroad students should make sure to apply for scholarships and research well for the living place within the country. Hence, this will save them both time and money.

3. Facing The Extreme Emotional Rollercoaster

The extreme one now! That is facing the whole emotional roller coaster all alone.  Sounds like a nightmare, right? However, emotionally strong students might find it quite easy. Yet, facing the extreme isolation, and the feeling of homesickness before bed actually hits hard.  

Solution: Students who study abroad should always stay in touch with their loved ones and also make new friends in their study abroad destination. Hence, this will build a huge support system for them.  

4. Feeling Like An Alien (Aka Culture Shock)

Studying abroad can make students feel like an outsider. Also, there is always a feeling of being left out. On the other hand, culture shock can make international students feel like complete aliens. With the new food, the new place, the new time zone, the new environment, the new people, and the different climate, adapting to new things is always a little hard for human nature. Humans prefer familiar things.

Solutions: Find your tribe there. Find and do more familiar things. Yet it will take a while for you to adapt to a new lifestyle. Still, be patient and flexible.

Also, check:   6 Unique Ways To Manage Your Finance While Studying Abroad

Summing up, now you know the Actual Challenges Of Studying Abroad With Solid Solutions! So, what are your thoughts on it? However, for any STUDY ABROAD-related queries, feel free to connect with us! Our team of experts which has extensive expertise in studying abroad would love to assist you.

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