IELTS Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Do you want to prepare for the IELTS exam but confused about where to start? Here is IELTS Syllabus and Exam Pattern to get you started!


The International English Language Testing System or IELTS is a globally recognized and accepted exam for studying abroad, immigration, and international employment. It’s all about testing your proficiency in the English language. If you are starting to prepare for the IELTS exam then here you will find IELTS Syllabus and Exam Pattern. So, once you grasp the general idea and purpose of this exam you can crack IELTS with these 3 quick tips .

People who are willing to move to an English-speaking country give this exam. Furthermore, there are two tests, academic and general training. Along with them comes IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English. Speaking, and listening skills are the same but reading and writing are different. Though both gets graded in the same way. You can give IELTS both offline and digitally.

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IELTS Syllabus and Exam Pattern!

The IELTS exam consists of four main components: Writing (60 minutes), Speaking (11-14 minutes), Listening (30 minutes), and Reading (60 minutes).

Types of IELTS Exam: There are two types of IELTS exams: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training.

1. Writing module

Why – The purpose of writing module in IELTS exam is to know how appropriately you use your words to express ideas, along with how well you organize your thoughts. Also, you can check your grammar and vocabulary range, too.

Number of Questions – There are 2 questions in the writing module.

Format – In the first question, you have to define any data or diagram within 150 words essay, and in the second question, you have to write a letter and express a point of view, or a problem with at least 250 words regarding the given situation.

Timing – 60 minutes

Type of Questions – Essay writing in a formal style

Marks – The marks for writing assessments are given independently. However, they, indeed, depend on the quality of your answer. Nevertheless, question number 2 carries more weightage in the IELTS writing module.

2. Speaking module

Why – The purpose of speaking module in IELTS exam is to know how appropriately you will be using your words to express ideas, apart from how well you organize thoughts verbally. It, also, checks your oral communication and pronunciation.

Number of questions – There are 3 questions in the speaking module.

Format – In the first question, you have to describe yourself, your life, your family, and your friends. In the second question, you have to pick a card that has a topic, and you will have around 1-2 minutes to prepare yourself to talk about it. After listening to your answer, a certified examiner will ask questions about the related topic.

Timing – 15 minutes

Type of Questions – Face-to-face or video call speaking.

Marks – Marks for the speaking assessment are given independently based on the quality of your answer. This module is going to determine your fluency, pronunciation, choice of words, grammar, and accuracy matters for this assessment.

3. Listening module

Why – The purpose of listening module in IELTS exam is to understand how well you are capable of understanding English speakers. Apart from that, it is also going to check how fast you grasp the meaning of verbal statements.

Number of questions – There are, around, 40 questions in the listening module.

Format – In this module, you have to listen to four recordings of native English speakers, and after that you write your answer based on that series.

Timing – 30 minutes

Type of Questions – Multiple choice questions, matching information/ headings/ features, completion of sentence/ summary.

Marks – Here, each correct answer will get you one mark. Scores out of 40 are calculated as IELTS 9-band scale.

4. Reading module

Why – The purpose of reading module in IELTS exam is to check how long you take to understand the written form of language.

Number of Questions – There 40 questions in the reading module.

Format – In this module, you have to read three long descriptive texts which are factual and technical in nature. These texts may be from books, magazines, advertisements, company handbooks, guidelines, or journals based on the daily English-speaking environment.

Timing – 60 minutes

Type of Questions – Fill in the gaps, match information// headings/ features, completion of sentence/ summary, short answers to open questions, and multiple choice questions.

Marks – Each correct answer will get you one mark. Scores out of 40 are calculated as IELTS 9-band scale.

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Preparing for IELTS is easy once you understand the IELTS Syllabus and Exam Pattern. If you have the proper strategy and discipline, such exams are no big deal! You are meant for greater things and this is your first step towards it. For more information, feel free to reach us. Our team of experts which has extensive experience in international education and student support would love to assist you. GOOD LUCK!

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