SSL Full Form: Secure Your Internet Connection With SSL


SSL full form is Secure Socket Layers. It is basically used to secure the internet connection. Nowadays, companies and industries and also businesses are using EDI for exchanging information. As EDI full form stands for Electronic Data Interchange with the help of the VPN they can exchange information internationally and also the VPN full form stands for Virtual Private Network. With the help of SSL, you can share the information securely with others. Read this blog, we have discussed the history, features, architecture and also the advantages and disadvantages. 

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What is the full form of SSL? 

The full form of SSL is Secure Socket Layers. In today’s world, where the internet is the focus of attention, the use of security technology is essential. This specific security protocol ensures that the browser and the web servers have a secure connection. This encrypted channel allows the two devices to exchange data safely.

Your website is protected by the SSL certificate against threats like fraud and data loss. Websites can protect user data with the help of this open protocol. Your website’s data are not secure without an SSL and are always vulnerable to people stealing them. Data on your website is also at risk if it is not encrypted.

History of SSL 

  • In the early year of the 1990s, Secure Socket Layers authentic implementation was developed for securing HTTP with the aid of Netscape Communications Corporation. 
  • 2.0 was the first version of SSL that gained importance despite some protocol vulnerabilities and also framework flaws. 
  • Then in the year 2015, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) disapproved the use of SSL for web. 
  • Then later Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol was replaced by SSL. 

Features of SSL 

1. SSL offers network connection protection by:

  • Information is encrypted using symmetric-key cryptography to maintain confidentiality.
  • Using digital certificates, communication entities authenticate themselves. While database authentication is optional, site server authentication is required.
  • Integrity – Upholds controls on the veracity of communications.

2. Data fragments are compressed using lossless compression techniques.

3. Intended mostly for online e-commerce.

4. Virtually every Web browser supports.

5. SSL is usable for any TCP application.

Architecture of SSL 

There are two sub-layers of the SSL protocol, which is built architecturally as a set of protocols over TCP/IP. 

1. First sub-layer

The first sub-layer contains one SSL protocol element called Protocol to SSL record, which allows for integrity and secrecy facilities. SSL record protocol also handles data checking and encapsulates it with the proper headers for secure transfer under SSL.

2. Second sub-layer 

The SSL Handshake Protocol, SSL Shift Cypher Protocol, and also SSL Warning Protocol were all included in the protocols for the second and top levels of the SSL protocol stack. Maintaining a safe and secure connection to an application protocol, such as HTTP, is the responsibility of the second layer of the SSL Protocol Stack, which is positioned above the SSL Record protocol. Customer-to-server session control, cryptographic parameter control, and also secure SSL message transport are all provided by three top-layers stack protocols.

Advantages of SSL 

1. Encryption

To protect sensitive data, sensitive data is encoded during transmission on websites that use SSL. Intruders have a tough time intercepting data that has been encrypted.

2. Server Authentication 

Server authenticity is provided by SSL, which guarantees that legitimate servers are used for data transport over the Internet. Also, Intruders frequently impersonate your website and focus on the data of your customers. Moreover, this may be avoided by utilising an appropriate Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and also obtaining an SSL Certificate from a reputable SSL provider.

3. Trust or Faith 

Customers have faith in websites that employ SSL. As a result, a site gets traffic. Additionally, information security procedures must be in place to protect your clients’ data if a site accepts online purchases and permits memberships.

4. Security 

When a customer receives a phishing email, it contains a link to a copy of the original website. When the customer uses this information on the website, an unauthorised user may be able to access it. However, having an SSL certificate cancels this access, protecting the customer from unauthorised phishing emails.

Disadvantages of SSL 

We have mentioned some of the disadvantages of SSL below. 

1. Performance

Speed is slowed down by encryption and decryption as data is delivered via an Internet portal that uses SSL.

2. Cost 

Because service providers must pay for infrastructure upkeep, SSL certificates are relatively expensive. Despite the fact that some hosting companies do offer SSL certificates without charge.

3. Additional Login Information Needed

SSL Certificates will consume some extra resources because data must be encoded. When employing SSL certificates, a noticeable difference in website speed under conditions of high internet traffic can be problematic.

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Fill the Form for More Details:-


    What is the full form of SSL?

    The full form of SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer.

    Is TLS better than SSL? Explain your answer.

    Yes, TLS is better than SSL because TLS has advanced encryption algorithms. And also TLS has fewer handshake steps and has a faster connection in accordance with SSL.

    What is the full form of TLS?

    The full form of TLS is Transport Layer Security.

    What is the use of SSL?

    SSL is used for preventing hackers from stealing or seeing information that is being shared between the two servers or also between the browser and a website.