Canada vs USA: which is better for study abroad?

Are you willing to study but confused between Canada and the USA: which is better for study abroad? Here is everything you need to know!
Canada vs USA: which is better for study abroad?

Students actively look for rich-quality education and better options every time when it comes to their careers and studies. Well, all thanks to rising awareness through the Internet revolution. However, when choosing the best countries to study abroad students are often confused about Canada and the United States of America, why? Because both elite countries have top-cream education systems (yahan confusion toh banta hai!). Therefore, here we are presenting Canada vs USA: which is better for study abroad? READ ON! 

Sounds good, right? You can also check Why Canada is IDEAL for pursuing higher education abroad?

1. Education System 

Although the education system of both countries is, without a doubt, perfect! However, we can’t afford to study in both so which one to choose?  First of all, you will be required to check your eligibility for both countries and your desired university because the criteria of both countries may vary from university to university. These may require you to pass some exams. For instance, GMAT, SAT, IELTS, TOEFL, etc. USA with over 4000 universities, ranking alone in the TOP 20 universities of the globe with its 12 top universities. On the other hand, 8 Canadian universities have a world ranking in the TOP 200 universities of the globe. 

2. Cultural Environment 

Both countries possess a high standard of living and diverse cultures which bring international students from all over the world. Hence, this not only makes these two alluring countries a hub for immigrants but also an educational hub for international students to study abroad. And usually, a large number of students start pursuing their careers in these countries and later become citizens of these wonderful countries. Especially, Indian students are more likely to be future Canadians or Americans because of their special liking for the culture and the vast majority of Indians already living there. 

3. Pocket-friendly

Up till now, everything has been nice, right? But now comes the cost of education and the cost of living, the most important question for pockets! However, studying abroad is an expensive activity to do but still who does not like comparing prices? So let’s see! Studying abroad experience in the United States of America will cost you around US$33,215 per annum for undergraduate students. On the other hand, the study abroad experience in Canada is comparatively lower which is around  US$23,300 per annum. However, you don’t need to worry if your desired university is in the USA because you can still avail financial aid via study abroad scholarships and education loans.  

4. Career opportunities 

Now comes the most crucial part of this blog! Which country is going to skyrocket your career opportunities, is it USA or Canada? Well, both countries are known for offering the best career options. However, the United States of America ranks 3rd place in employment possibilities while Canada holds the 5th global rank. American graduates manage to get an average salary of $55,260 in 2023 while Petroleum engineers get the highest starting salary of $87,989 in the USA. On the other hand, Canadian graduates have an average salary of $65,267 per annum. Although entry-level positions start at $49,995 per year, most experienced workers manage to get an average salary of $123,701 per annum in Canada.

5. Immigration Options

Although both Canada and the USA have the option of immigration. But immigration to Canada is much easier in comparison to the USA which is why Canada is known for its extensive immigration. On the other hand, the process of immigration in the USA is quite complicated which becomes the reason that students avoid immigration to the USA. In addition, Canada gives international students of certain degrees the opportunity to have work permits after or during their post-graduation which later qualifies them to be permanent residents of Canada. However, to be a permanent resident of the USA, one can apply for a Green card which is a better choice to avoid the hectic. 

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Summing up, now you know everything that you needed to know for deciding between Canada vs USA: which is better for study abroad? So, what are you waiting for? For more queries, feel free to connect with us! Our team of experts which has extensive expertise in studying abroad would love to assist you. 

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