5 Epic Hacks To Get US Visa For Students Now!

Curious about how to get a US visa for students? Then, call it divine timing because here we have brought you 5 epic hacks for the same!
5 Epic Hacks To Get US Visa For Students Now!
5 Epic Hacks To Get US Visa For Students Now!

Most students, at least once in their lifetime, dream about pursuing their education in the US. Hence, getting a Study Visa To USA becomes a priority for the students. However, with this comes numerous doubts and confusion. Therefore, in today’s blog, you will get to know about 5 Epic Hacks To Get US Visa For Students Now! 

Sounds good? Make sure to check: Requirements, Process, Application & Cost of Study Visa USA

What Is A US Visa For Students? 

Studying in the US not only skyrockets the career opportunities of students  but it also helps in acquiring the best education possible. On the other hand, to study in the US, one will have to follow a proper legal procedure. In addition, a study visa is a government-issued permit that allows students to study in foreign lands for the duration of their course. 

Why Do Millions Of Students Choose The US For Studies? 

The US holds the global reputation for having the most prestigious educational institutes across the globe. On the other hand, a great number of successful icons have pursued their education in major US universities. Hence, a large quantity of students often prefer the US for their career advancement. In addition, the US has the highest ranking universities in the TOP 10 which becomes a significant factor for millions of students to choose US universities. 

What Are The Top Universities In The US? 

Although, the US has more than 5,500 universities in which the majority ranks on top. Hence, it is quite impossible to include them all. Yet, we will include some of the most significant universities of the US to give you a preview. 

Private UniversitiesPublic Universities
Harvard University, CambridgeUniversity of California, Los Angeles
Stanford University, CaliforniaUniversity of California, Berkeley
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, CambridgeUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor
California Institute of Technology, PasadenaUniversity of Florida, Gainesville
The University of Chicago, ChicagoUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Yale University, New HavenUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville
Princeton University, New JerseyThe University of Texas, Austin
University of Pennsylvania, PhiladelphiaGeorgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
Columbia University, New YorkUniversity of California, San Diego
Cornell University, IthacaUniversity of California, Davis
List of Private and Public Universities in the US

Eligibility Requirements To Get A US Visa?

Getting a US visa for students surely is not an easy task. Yet, with some preparations beforehand, it is also not impossible. So, here is a quick document checklist for you to grab your study visa ASAP!

Basic Documents Academic Documents Financial Documents
Valid Passport Academic transcripts Bank Statements 
Passport-size photosEnglish language proficiency test scoresSalary Slips
Copy of DS-160 formACT, SAT, GMAT, GRE score (if required) Tax Returns 
Medical health reports LORs & SOPsLoan approval letter (if needed) 
I-20 Form Work experience proof (if have any) Scholarship letter (if have any) 
Admission offer letter Provisional CertificatesSEVIS fee receipt
List of Necessary Documents to get US Visa

5 Hacks To Get US Visas For Students! 

  1. After intense research, shortlist some universities which match your field of interest. Afterwards, apply to those universities and fulfill the eligibility criteria. 
  1. After the documentation and interview process, students will get a Form I-20 from their SEVP approved school and they will be required to register and pay the fee.
  1. Later, students will receive the confirmation of the admission form from their applied university.. Hence, make sure to receive the acceptance letter. 
  1. After receiving the offer letter, you should immediately apply for a visa. However, it will require you to write a convincing application first.  
  1. To apply for a US visa, connect with the embassy and meet all the requirements.  After all formalities, students will be required to crack their visa interview. 

How To Write A Top-Notch Visa Application? 

Writing an alluring application for the US embassy is the main twist in the game of studying abroad. Hence, here are some quick tips for you to create a spellbinding application. 

  • Write first edit later, don’t break the flow.
  • Start with a thunder-like introduction.
  • Keen eye on the grammar (become a hawk). 
  • Cut the unnecessary drama, no one is free. 
  • To the point, a factual application with a dash of personalization. 
  • Convince that you will not permanently stay there and are only going for studies. 
  • Include the previous education in detail and what got you into pursuing education in the US. 
  • Express your deep love to your roots along with the goal that will be achieved from pursuing education in the US. 

Which US Visa Is A Perfect Fit For You? 

There are three types of study visas in the US. Hence, students can apply for one suitable to their needs. 

F1 Study Visa

F1 study visa allows students to pursue academic studies in the USA from an approved academic school or university.

M1 Study Visa 

 If you are willing to pursue any vocational training and academic activities in the USA then an M1 study visa is for you. 

J1 Study Visa 

A J1 study visa is for students who are willing to work as a professional in the study industry or get practical training for professional study purposes. It is also called an exchange visitor visa.

Also, check: How To Write A Convincing VISA Application INSTANTLY?

Summing up, now you know how to get a US visa for students! So, what are you waiting for? However, for any STUDY ABROAD-related queries, feel free to connect with us! Our team of experts which has extensive expertise in studying abroad would love to assist you.

Liked this one?  Don’t Miss: Which study abroad visa do you need? Types of Study VISA!

How can I get a student visa in the US?

ANS: One can apply for the F1, M1, or J1 study visa as per requirements outside of the U.S. at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

How much is a student visa in the US?

ANS: F1 study visa is the most applied study visa of all time. And F1 visa costs are around $510 per application.

How long can you stay on a student visa in the US?

ANS: An F-1 visa is issued for up to 5 years. 

Who is eligible for an F1 visa?

ANS: Students who have enrolled in a full-time program at a US institution and are proficient in English while having sufficient funds. 

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