10 Things to know before studying Abroad!

Studying abroad is all fun and games until it is not and one needs to make travel and living as easy as possible so that there’s full focus on studies and less on distractions. There are several job opportunities after studying abroad too! There are some things to know before studying abroad and here, you’re going to get exactly what you need. Let’s discuss what are the things to know before studying abroad and make you have the most pleasant experience of studying abroad!

Here are 10 things to know before studying abroad!

1. Research! Research! Research!
We can’t stress this enough but the culture, temperature or weather, universities, courses or degrees, road rules, and emergency numbers are some of the most necessary things that you must research in depth. This research process can prepare you for the challenges that you might face both physically and mentally.
2. Finance
After all, everything comes up to the funds and your pockets. Study abroad definitely comes with a high cost but it doesn’t mean you can’t pursue your dreams. There are many ways that can lower the cost of your dream. You can apply for scholarships, choose an affordable country and compare the cost of your program with other universities, plus you can start online fundraising to help you take the load off your pockets. In addition, you can opt for any part-time or remote job to keep you within budget.
3. Medical checkup
Before going anywhere, it is always a good idea to get a health check-up on your hand. It not only saves you from an unexpected risk to your health but also saves your money from getting involved in health risks in a foreign country, the cost of everything is skyrocketing in foreign lands. Many documentation processes go through this procedure and you can also consider staying healthy and focusing on a nutritious diet.
4. Documents
You must have heard this a lot but there’s nothing without them! This can be considered a crucial step in this process. You must get your visas, academic certifications, applications, proof of funds, etc. in your hands to save time for other necessities. It is advised to create a checklist so you don’t get in trouble later.
5. Packing bags
Living in another country with a completely different environment made us wanna give you this advice. Daily need stuff can be bought internationally but things like medicines, adapters, glasses or lenses, or other electronic devices might need some space in your bags. Things that you consider that you won’t be able to find abroad other than your native land must be in your backpack. 
6. Exchanging Currency
The value of currency vary country to country and this difference might damage your, budget. You should make sure to get some international debit/ credit cards and exchange some currency for cash to help you later.
7. Travel Insurance
An insurance policy that covers aspects of health, accident, and emergency evacuation might help you with any inconvenience abroad. There are some insurance policies that also provide coverage for lost personal belongings and flight cancelation.
8. Free contact apps
International calling services might break your budget so it’s better to stick to free contacting apps like Whatsapp, Skype, Viber, etc. this saves you from unnecessary bill payments and still be in touch with your family and friends.
9. Bank Account
It is advised to inform your bank that you’ll be abroad so that they don’t misunderstand the use of your bank account as fraud. However, if you are planning to stay for a long time in a foreign country then you should choose to open an international bank account.
10. Skill development
Last but not the least, you’ll be living in a completely different environment and your daily schedule, from waking up to food habits will change drastically. One must understand that body does not adapt to such big changes easily. You might need some time to physically, mentally, and emotionally prepare yourself. Stay connected to your roots to avoid homesickness. You can polish your language and cooking skills before studying abroad.

Wrapping up

The list is endless but we still tried to sum up everything in 10 points. If this gives you a headache then you are always one step away from us. Feel free to contact us for more study abroad tips. Good Luck for your journey!