Scholarships for
Global Students in Australia
Australian Award Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to students who want to pursue their bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degrees from Australia.
Scholarship will cover:
Tuition fees fully
Australian Government Research and Training Program
This scholarship is offered to students who want to pursue their doctoral degrees from Australia.
Scholarship will cover:
Tuition fees of 28,587 AUD per 14 days
Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship Award
This scholarship is offered to students who want to pursue their courses/ degrees or PhD programs from Australia.
Scholarship will cover:
Tuition fees fully, 3000 AUD for travel expenses, etc
International Postgraduate Research Scholarships
IPRS is offered to students who want to pursue their postgraduate research-based and doctoral degrees from Australia.
Scholarships will cover:
Tuition fees fully and health costs
Register for Study Abroad
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