After investing loads of money on expensive MBAs and B.Techs, who wants to stay unemployed?

Wanna save yourself from it? Then this story is for you. Keep Watching!

Root cause of unemployment in India is the student's comfort zone.

Comfort zone for not having an individual mindset.

Most of them are influenced by either trends or family and friends.

This has caused mass dropouts in Computer science majors.

Study is too rigid in India that students often do not have time to explore their passion.

India alone produces 15 lakhs engineers per year that keeps adding to the crowd.

On the other hand, corporate giants don’t stop their massive layoffs.

Indian students lack the basic networking skills and communication.

The outdated syllabus and burden of parents’ expectation is leading nowhere.

Hence, start working on your practical knowledge and skills. MASTER YOUR ART.

Pick one job description, master the requirements and network with people working there already.