Admission Process for Dental Studies in Abroad

1. Do some research and identify international dental schools that suit your needs and credentials.

2. Prerequisites: Make sure you pass the entrance examinations and meet the GPA and language requirements.

3. Application: Fill out the applications for the schools you want to attend.

4. Transcripts: Submit your academic records, including diplomas.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Ask professors or dentists familiar with your abilities to write you a letter.

6. Admission Tests: Study for and take necessary tests like the TOEFL, IELTS, or others.

7. Interviews: Be ready for interviews since some colleges may demand them.

8. Financial Justification: Provide evidence that you have enough money to pay your tuition and living expenses.

9. Visa: Obtain a student visa for the nation of your choice.

10. Acceptance: Select your dental school after waiting for admissions results.