1. In Aircraft Design students will learn how to estimate of weights, structural loads, etc.
2. They test, design and develop the designs of the rocket missiles.
3. In Avionics students will learn about the planning, analysing, and installing of the electrical appliances for the flight control, etc.
4. In propulsion they will know about the design of the engines that are used to provide the missiles, rockets, etc.
5. Fluid is basically about the study of liquids, plasma and blood at their motion and rest positions. Moreover, in solid mechanics, they will learn concepts like material properties, design principles, etc.
6. In Spaceflight Mechanics students will learn about the motions of space vehicles and artificial satellites that move under the influence of gravity, etc.
7. In the Elements of Aeronautics students will know about the parts of the aeroplane such as its wings, landing gears, etc.
8. Basically Aerodynamics is the study of the forces and also the resulting of motions of the objects that are in the air.