1. The California Institute of Technology is best known for its courses like Environmental Science and Engineering and the fees at this university is US $60,657.
2. The University of Washington is best known for its courses like Ocean Technology and Oceanography and Marine Geoscience Education and the fee is US $49,938.
3. Princeton University is best known for its courses like Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences and the fee is US $57,410.
4. The University of Oxford is best known for its courses like Offshore and Civil Engineering and the fee is between £28,950 to £44,240.
5. The University of Edinburgh is best known for its courses like Civil and Environmental Engineering and Marine Engineering and the fee is £30,400.
6. The University of British Columbia is best known for its courses like Master of Engineering in Naval Architecture and the fee is CAD 7,592 as per installment.
7. The University of Alberts is best known for its courses like Marine Science Field School Programs and the fee is CAD 10,000 and to upwards.
8. Stanford University is best known for its courses like Marine Biology and the Undergraduate and graduate programs for Hopkins Marine Station and the tuition fee is US $57,693.