Australian Universities
for Data Science
Australian National University
Australian National University is known for its extraordinary teaching.
Tuition Fees:
42960 AUD per year
University of Technology, Sydney
The University of Technology is known for inspiring students to build a better future for themselves.
Tuition Fees:
38800 AUD per year
University of Adelaide
The University of Adelaide is known for its high-quality education system along with its high-quality environment.
Tuition Fees:
35000 AUD per year
Monash University
Monash University is known for its modern technology and education system.
Tuition Fees:
39000 AUD per year
Queensland University of Technology
The Queensland University of Technology teaches students real-life experiences.
Tuition Fees:
31600 AUD per year
University of Sydney
University of Sydney is known for its high-quality education system.
Tuition Fees:
46500 AUD per year
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