Exams for Studying Abroad


IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. With IELTS you can study and immigrate abroad.

2. ACT

ACT stands for American College Testing. This test is taken to get an education in High School.


TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. This test is accepted in many countries some are Canada, USA, etc.

4. GRE

GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. This test is taken to get graduate degrees from foreign countries.


GMAT stands for Graduate Management Admission. This test is mainly taken for pursuing an MBA program abroad.

6. PTE

PTE stands for Pearson Language Test. This test is accepted in Canada, Australia and USA universities.

7. SAT

SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test. This test is taken to get an undergraduate degree in countries that are like Canada and USA.