Councils for Study Abroad Programs

1. Study Abroad at CIEE provides chances for financial help and scholarships.

2. University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) has choices for semester, year, and summer programs.

3. ISA (International Studies Abroad) provides study-abroad opportunities in a variety of nations, promoting intellectual and cultural encounters.

4. AIFS (American Institute for Foreign Study) offers a variety of locations, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.

5. API (Academic Programs International) provides study-abroad programs in several nations with a focus on academic achievement and cultural immersion.

6. IES Abroad provides reasonably priced semester, year-long, and summer study abroad programs in a variety of international destinations.

7. SIT Study Abroad (School for International Training) provides study abroad opportunities in a range of nations that highlights hands-on learning.

8. CAPA (The Global Education Network) provides international locations that include coursework, internships, and cultural immersion.